Wednesday 30 March 2016

oops I fill-stop should be full-stop

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Last Wednesday all the year 6 went to year 6 camp. First every one meat outside rooms 19 and 18. When the ball rag mis Fearon blow the whistle it was so lowed. The first thing mis Fearon did was call the roll then she sortied us into car groups their groups.  I was with my mum, cater, k amen and Jake. When we got there the first thing I did was go tolat Then they sortied us into cabins in my head I seed that I would be fine with either  Nathan, waiyat, wade or luc and it turns out to be all of them in my cabin. After we sorted out the cabins we had a tork about the camp with the owner of the camp. Finley we are on to our first activity it was low ropes  I got two wedges and I fall of the cots three times. after the first activity we had camp skills it was really fan you got to make pancakes and build forts. Then we had lunch. After lunch we did orienteering we found 8 of the orienteering sticks. After orienteering we did crazy critters I made a guinea pig out of a pin con. After crazy critters we did achonry me and my friend wade were the only one to pop a balloon. Then We did team building we made a popsicle cots and at the end of it we got to pop a balloon by standing on it. Then we did the coffins course I failed at it. The we had lunch. Then we did pitching the tent the person running it said that we wore the fastest group to do it. The we did the ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Water slide  it was so fan the first time i did it I went down with mis g and Nathan we went so fast then we hand diner we had chicken bigger for dinner they wore so nice then we went into the house to watch a movie we watch rataowy then we went to sleep. It's the next day. We first had breakfast I had cornflakes and fruit salad. The first activity on the second morning was gum the first game we played was basketball then dodge-ball and then soccer. Then I can not remember what all we did that day. The next morning  king and queen of the mountain I walked the whole way which isn't that bad bat it felt like It took 10 hours to complete when we went down the mountain it was a lot easier when we got down the mountain it was time to have lunch after lunch we said our thank yous and we left year 6 camp. The end                     

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Thursday 10 March 2016

NZ flag debate

What do you think about the NZ flag dobat? I think that Jon Key a weir-do because he spending over 26 million dollars to redo the flag there are people living on the street of Auckland  and he doesn't even care. I vote for the origonal flag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 7 March 2016

Why waikanae
I'm pretty show the reason why my parents moved here was because my mum and married her, and because my mum has always lived here. My mum and dad met in the red cross. My dad didn't always live in new zealand   he lived in England for a few years. Our family yost to live up by school  but now we live down by the beach. I really like waikanae because I live right near a park which is pretty cool

Thursday 3 March 2016

Wednesday 2 March 2016