Thursday 7 September 2017

Character Description

Character Description

Basil has  ginger fur with  spots of white. He a resembles  a fox with his colouring and the  food drive of a hamster - because he EATS like a pig. Most of the  time he is pretty useless  but on rare occasions like the time he figured out that all he had to do to open the door was to jump up onto the handle, he is smart  (but shortly after forgot how to do that) Another surprising thing is that he sings like an opera singer when we leave without him. He sings for the whole time that we we are gone. Even though he is the dumbest dog on the block,   he is my dog Basil and I love him.  

Wednesday 6 September 2017


How would you like it if you dedicated
a whole lunch hour to the pe shed and
feel like you have no purpose at all except
give people their pe equipment?

When people issue pe equipment they push
in front of little kids (not very respectful) and
then when they finally get to the front of the line
they insist that they have to come into the pe
shed to find the perfect ball then they have to
pump it up  

One day I was in the pe shed a person walked
up put their name down and said  “I want a ball”
then I said “which ball”? they say “a ball” so I get
them a ball they say “no I want a pumped up ball”
so I get them a new one and they walk off without
the ball. It would be nice if people could say please and thank you

Buckets are left out for you to play with equipment  
before school and morning tea . Balls don’t get returned
They are left outside or hidden in bushes for other people to put them back

You don't even know how many balls
get kicked over the fence  I know
because I had the job to get them
from the office there were about
ten balls and a tennis wracked  
how are you exactly to throw a
tennis racket  over the fence by
accident it's not like you're swinging
the racket then it flings out your hand

Waikanae school has one of the best
school PE sheds on the coast - kapanui
don't even have one. So we we need to
respect our pe shed This means If you
borrow a ball in the morning and the
bell rings, don’t just leave it on the turf,
return it. Appreciate what we have at

Waikanae School, I know I do.

Sunday 3 September 2017

The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt    

       excited and scared.

The Migestagil dere devil  grasped onto his bike as he soared over the hill whizzing past the spectators clouds of  grit and grime blinded  him and the fellow riders  he felt like he was breaking the soned barrera    

Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.

        Sam sored with the skydivers clenching onto each other while adrenala reached through their vans  

The sea was rough and there  were big waves

The sea was rough as a rat rummaging  through a wreckage. The waves were as rough as a troublesome  raccoon on steroids.

It was really stormy

The sea roared rollng the ship on its side

The waves hit the ship

The  waves battered  the ship like a dog attacking a tree