Tuesday 21 June 2016

On he 8 of june rooms 6 and 18 went to  whareroa farm  we set off im pretty sure that it was going to be boring but it was going to be the fanst day of the school year except year  six camp when we got there it was really really cold

Once we go t off the bus we went into a small hut I was surprised that we all fat
In it. Once we were assigned into  our groups we started our activities I was in   group A we went for a walk up a hill it was kindof boring  and really windy and mr collett fall over                                                                                                                     

our next activity was fishing wall not really we gast had really fin net and hunted for little river  cretors me and kieran found a dobsonfly and we named it bob

Me and kieran were together for finding wieters we had to cross a stream but I did not have my gumboots so i got kieran  to give me a piggyback and we fell in the stream!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm pretty sure that me and kieran were the only ones that fell in the riva. We all so sor a dead cat and heaps of  wieters

Next was orientering are teem got all of them in year six camp spirit  i rolled down a hill but no one sor it because I was at the back of the line


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