Tuesday 30 August 2016

                                                                               how to torn a fraction in to a decimal

                                                                                how to work quietly in a learning cave

Monday 29 August 2016

What  is your favorite room in your house

This writing is about seeing what is the best room in your house. Hope you agree with me and subscribe and leave a comment. Oh wait, it’s not Youtube. Anyway, in my opinion, it would be…

The toilet. Yes, the toilet. Look, there is a perfect explanation for this. If you think about it if you have a big family, you can lock them out and play on phone and you can’t go toilet anywhere else in your house. Well, you could go on the sink but why would you? Like, come on.

In conclusion the toilet is the best room otherwise where would you go?

Thursday 18 August 2016

                                                                                    Today I learnt

How to do cross-stitch

How to make a appal feeder for a bird

Thursday 30 June 2016

To day will be the day

Today will be the day that I will get the news of my life but I do not no.
Hi  my name is Jeremy I have a rear devises called calla calla it kills
sometimes here comes my doctor he
Ses that I will only have two days to live they let me out of the
Hospital when I get home I make a list of all of the
Thing that I have wanted to do since I was a kid
So here it is jumping from a 100 m jumping
Board, skydiving and wall I can't think of any more
So now it's off to the the airport for sky diving
I Am at the airport getting into my skydiving
Gere for some reason I Am not nervous
OK we are at jump height I jump
Out for some reason I pill my
para shot start a way   
I landed perfect
OK so now oft to
The local aquatic
Center i am at the top
Of the diving board looking
Down I jumped of the board I lamed
In A belly flop it hurts when I am out of the pool
It hits me that I Am going to die to night I drive to the
Hospital and that is the last thing I can remember …..


Tuesday 21 June 2016

On he 8 of june rooms 6 and 18 went to  whareroa farm  we set off im pretty sure that it was going to be boring but it was going to be the fanst day of the school year except year  six camp when we got there it was really really cold

Once we go t off the bus we went into a small hut I was surprised that we all fat
In it. Once we were assigned into  our groups we started our activities I was in   group A we went for a walk up a hill it was kindof boring  and really windy and mr collett fall over                                                                                                                     

our next activity was fishing wall not really we gast had really fin net and hunted for little river  cretors me and kieran found a dobsonfly and we named it bob

Me and kieran were together for finding wieters we had to cross a stream but I did not have my gumboots so i got kieran  to give me a piggyback and we fell in the stream!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm pretty sure that me and kieran were the only ones that fell in the riva. We all so sor a dead cat and heaps of  wieters

Next was orientering are teem got all of them in year six camp spirit  i rolled down a hill but no one sor it because I was at the back of the line


Saturday 11 June 2016

Pharazyn reserve

On Thursday the 9th of June from 6 and 10 people from room 19 went to Pharazyn reserve which was named after William Pharazyn. Pharazyn reserve used to be a settling pond and when it became a settling pond all the plants got ripped up so every arbor day we plant those plants. On the way there we caught a bus I sat next to Nathan. Nathan forgot his jacket so I lent him my beanie.

When we got there Rob showed us how to plant the plants. Me and Nathan must have planted 12 plants. We saw a frog. It was boring.

When we finished planting Rob took us on a little walk to show us where their team  had not touched. There was so much gorse  everywhere. On my way back Nathan put his beanie over his eyes and I guided him  back onto the bus. I sat next to Wyatt Kieran and Nathan on the way back we saw a large being on a truck go into the expressway. When we got back me and Nathan talked about what we did and realised how boring it was.

Thursday 26 May 2016

today I learned 

I was right when I thought that negative numbers were used for temperature, depth and money.      

today I learned

Today I learned .... 

How to properly go into lock down this is what you do lock all the windows and doors, and get under a desk and keep quiet 


Thursday 19 May 2016


Beakey can fly but not to far he likes to be 
cared cross the room but he heats when 
you put him on a robot his best friend is 

Thursday 12 May 2016

today I learnt what fright or filet mens
 this week I learnt these spelling words...

* hunters 
today I learnt about the webber telescope was and hears a photo

Tuesday 10 May 2016



Trees trees whistling and cracking
from left to right
You can climb
and  then
chop them
down to make
Firewood with them
and you get oxygen from them

Wednesday 4 May 2016



Today I learnt what a square number was  

Tuesday 3 May 2016

shining sun

Shining sun

The shining sun is here, time
To do anything till the sun goes
Down. going to the beech till
Diner and then going to the deriy
For poding. Then the next morning
Sleeping into morning tea time no
Rain no thunder gast sun.  

today I learnt that if you are determined that you can do any thing

today I learnt

today I learnt these math words...

Monday 2 May 2016


Beach whale at lake ferry

In the school holidays me and my family went to lake ferry where are Bach is we got there late at night and when we woke up our neighbour told as that there was a beached whale so later that morning we went down to have a look the people that were keeping it from dieting said that they tried to re-flowed it last night bat there was no success so they were going to try tonight at 5pm me and my dad went to see if they were successful but they weren't there got it out to the braces but then the wave turned the whale sideways so it was in possible to save it. The next morning the news strac that the people that were helping it gave up so they decided to shoot it     

Wednesday 13 April 2016

this is my Edmonton task about a book c coopers last stand (:

Tuesday 12 April 2016

today I learnt 

that  the big explosion in taupo coved the pink terraces. and here is a photo

hope you like my spelling words  


The wilder people

They are afraid but they cand upon their courage as the wilder people point their guns at the hunters. Then Rickey baker seas when the police ask who robbed you say I was the wielder people. The water people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
When the wilder people had fled  the hunters went back into town where they flowed that there was a $10000000 reward for whoever court the wilder people. So the hunters brought                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
supplies  for a trap.

The hunters wanted to know why the police wanted  the wilder people and it's because Rickey baker is a foster kid and he is now supposed to go to kid gale but he ran away from his foster home and now he is on the run with his ankle

Now the hunters with more supplies they set off. When they get to the spot that they wore last seen they  set a trap. Now that the trap is set the hunters go to the nearest cabin. In the morning the hunters went to see if the trap worked and it did until one of them got their pocket knife out

But there was a note it said nice trying ha ha. Then the hunters got so angry that this time they decided to have a trap that would kill the wilder people. So they went into town again       

In town the news stark that the wilder people had been found and the haunt was over everyone  went back home the wilder people got punishment for all the bad things they did and that was it the END  of the haunt.  

Thursday 7 April 2016

Guinea pigs

Did you know that some guinea pigs are nocturnal so they like to came out at night. There are lots of types of guinea pigs like long hair guinea pigs which you have to brush every day. Guinea pigs are found all over the world because lodes of people have them as pets. Guinea pigs have belly any depth perception also if you keep two males together and one female together the male will fight to the death. Some times If you keep guinea pigs outside they will die from coldness          


How to propyl do my task list.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

the Maori word apple is aporo and how to spell Maori  

Wednesday 30 March 2016

oops I fill-stop should be full-stop

Wednesday 23 March 2016


Last Wednesday all the year 6 went to year 6 camp. First every one meat outside rooms 19 and 18. When the ball rag mis Fearon blow the whistle it was so lowed. The first thing mis Fearon did was call the roll then she sortied us into car groups their groups.  I was with my mum, cater, k amen and Jake. When we got there the first thing I did was go tolat Then they sortied us into cabins in my head I seed that I would be fine with either  Nathan, waiyat, wade or luc and it turns out to be all of them in my cabin. After we sorted out the cabins we had a tork about the camp with the owner of the camp. Finley we are on to our first activity it was low ropes  I got two wedges and I fall of the cots three times. after the first activity we had camp skills it was really fan you got to make pancakes and build forts. Then we had lunch. After lunch we did orienteering we found 8 of the orienteering sticks. After orienteering we did crazy critters I made a guinea pig out of a pin con. After crazy critters we did achonry me and my friend wade were the only one to pop a balloon. Then We did team building we made a popsicle cots and at the end of it we got to pop a balloon by standing on it. Then we did the coffins course I failed at it. The we had lunch. Then we did pitching the tent the person running it said that we wore the fastest group to do it. The we did the ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Water slide  it was so fan the first time i did it I went down with mis g and Nathan we went so fast then we hand diner we had chicken bigger for dinner they wore so nice then we went into the house to watch a movie we watch rataowy then we went to sleep. It's the next day. We first had breakfast I had cornflakes and fruit salad. The first activity on the second morning was gum the first game we played was basketball then dodge-ball and then soccer. Then I can not remember what all we did that day. The next morning  king and queen of the mountain I walked the whole way which isn't that bad bat it felt like It took 10 hours to complete when we went down the mountain it was a lot easier when we got down the mountain it was time to have lunch after lunch we said our thank yous and we left year 6 camp. The end                     

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Thursday 10 March 2016

NZ flag debate

What do you think about the NZ flag dobat? I think that Jon Key a weir-do because he spending over 26 million dollars to redo the flag there are people living on the street of Auckland  and he doesn't even care. I vote for the origonal flag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 7 March 2016

Why waikanae
I'm pretty show the reason why my parents moved here was because my mum and married her, and because my mum has always lived here. My mum and dad met in the red cross. My dad didn't always live in new zealand   he lived in England for a few years. Our family yost to live up by school  but now we live down by the beach. I really like waikanae because I live right near a park which is pretty cool

Thursday 3 March 2016

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Sunday 28 February 2016

Tuesday 23 February 2016

This is my word cloud spelling.
17 . 2 . 16     

WALT: write and use a checklist to help us correct our work  .

My name Is Fred the kawai I am In a school of kawai in nawi. Were swimming up to lake nooky for launch  the mission isn't catching the fish it is dodging the fish hooks .
we are at the first line of hooks. we have already lost ten fish. now we are at the nets. Oh no I'm caught in a net luckily I escaped suddenly I'm in to a school of pilchard. I go for one …           
I get caught on a hook . there reeling me in , Then I come out of  a wave.  I'm getting dragged out of the water I'm dead ……..  

Thursday 18 February 2016

My First Blog Post

WALT post items  on our own  Blog.  

Hi! I’m Flynn. this year i have set  some learning goals. this year I would  like to improve at

  • math       
  • spelling  
  • typing  

Please comment and help me improve.